Naranath Bhranthan (madman of Naranam) is a character in Malayalam folklore, is believed to have dwelled on the Rayiranelloor mala (mountain). He was the most popular among the twelve children of Vararuchi, was a man with unusual talents. At the same time, he was a social revolutionary who taught against the social evils and blind beliefs, which prevailed during the period. Those who were unable to understand his revolutionary viewpoints called him bhrandhan (madman). Folklore: "Vararuchi, one of the nine wise men of King Vikramaditya’s court married a girl from Paraya caste which is one of the lowest castes among the society of Kerala. Vararuchi sets out on a trip with his wife across the land in search of questions posted by king. Each time upon delivery, Vararuchi asked her if the baby had a mouth. If she said ‘yes’, he would say, “If God has given a mouth, it will feed his mouth too” and would ask her to leave the child there and th...
I love travelling, visiting places of historic, architectural, natural, cultural importance and ofcourse adventurous place i.e., just about anywhere – anyplace. Prefer calm and not so crowded places. This helps explore and understand more of the place. I love riding my motorcycle, I have ridden to/through most of the states in india. People ask why a motorcycle??? I tell them.....You feel the wind, you hear the sound of your environment (birds, animals, vehicles, people...), you smell the land around you (for better or worse) and feel the texture of the road beneath you. It's something which cannot be explained, and cannot be understood no matter how I explain. It has to be experienced to understand!!!! It's about discovering yourself, making new friends, learning new things. The The friendship you made while traveling, will often last forever. You generally trend to miss your new friends ‘cause they made you feel home...